Dear Tom: How Do I Fix the Empty Blank Space on Dawn 9.0 Theme

Dear Tom: How Do I Fix the Empty Blank Space on Dawn 9.0 Theme

Question from Shopify Store Owner:

I'm running my e-commerce store using the Dawn 9.0 theme on Shopify. I've encountered a puzzling problem: a large white gap appears below the footer on our Product Pages. How do I remove it? 

Answer from Tom:

t seems that SVG elements are occupying that unwanted white space beneath your footer.

To solve this issue temporarily until you can investigate it further, you can apply a quick CSS fix. Here's what you need to do:

        svg[height="100%"] {
          display: none !important;

How to Implement This CSS:

  1. Navigate to Your Theme Editor: Go to your Shopify Dashboard, then click on 'Online Store', and go to 'Themes'. Choose your active theme and hit 'Edit'.
  2. Find the 'theme.liquid' File: In the editor, use the search function to locate the 'theme.liquid' file.
  3. Add the CSS: Insert the above CSS code snippet just before the </head> tag in your 'theme.liquid' file.

By doing this, you should see the unwanted white space disappear, giving your Product Pages a cleaner look.

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