Fractional Inventory on Shopify - Solution [No App Needed]

Fractional Inventory on Shopify - Solution [No App Needed]

Fractional Inventory on Shopify

Entering or tracking fractional or decimal inventory isn't straightforward on Shopify. Shopify’s default system doesn't handle it well, leaving many store owners scratching their heads.


There is a workaround that takes care of this limitation, fully automated and without ongoing costs. Whether you sell by the yard, ounce, or any other fractional unit, this approach keeps your inventory updated and in sync.

Here's the Basic Steps:

1. Automated Export to Google Sheets

Whenever an order comes in, it’s automatically exported to Google Sheets. We recommend using the free version of Matrixify for this step.

2. Automatic Calculations

Your inventory automatically updates by subtracting the sold quantities, in decimals, from your initial stock. This is all managed through our pre-configured Google Sheets template.

3. Real-Time Updates

In a separate column, we round down the inventory levels and auto-import them back into Shopify. This keeps your inventory consistent.

General Steps

These are the general steps for implementation. You're welcome to handle this on your own, or contact me for help. If your store has unique needs, such as multiple variants per product, we can tailor the solution accordingly.

What else?

  • System refreshes every 5 minutes; adjustable for high-volume stores.
  • Customizable for unique needs like multiple variants or customer input.
  • This solution has zero impact on your store's loading speed.
  • You can receive alerts, even auto-disable the product when inventory is low. Please contact me for details

Ready to manage fractional inventory? Visit our website or contact me for help

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